Three Rivers Rowing Association

This is the Three Rivers Rowing Corporate Rowing League Wiki Site

How to edit this page (the first time it is not easy :-))

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  6. Now you have created a valid account on the wikidot website.
  7. Then you need to get access to this TRRA page. The easiest way is by the secret password that I sent you. You need to type it in the appropriate box.
  8. now click on options on the bottom of the page.
  9. Then click edit sections on the bottom of the page.
  10. then scroll up to your day, and click edit above your day.
  11. Now you can paste in your lineup (Nice suggestion Jon!):
  12. || ||~ MeetInPGH || Jon || ##red|OPEN## || Chelsea || Laura || Michelle || Jenn || Tim || Gary || N/A || N/A ||
  13. and click save on the bottom.

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask



Team Status Contact
Wiseguys Good to go!
Alcoa Good to go!
OTA Good to go! Spare female rower ten.demrofni|lekram#ten.demrofni|lekram



Team Boat Status Contact
Wiseguys Heart of Heinz Good to go!
Heinz Heart of Heinz Eight @ 8:35
Heinz Chryssanthie Eight @ 8:35
Heinz Heinz Four
Masters Women Lottie 8+ Mixed 8+ would sink in this boat
Masters Women Lightweight Hudson 8+ Mixed 8+ would sink in this boat
Alcoa Alcoa @ 11:20 Need a female port rower
OTA Chryssanthie @ 11:20
AGH Porter @ 11:20

We will need to pay for the CMU trailer.


Monday lineup

2 females would like to row tonight, contact Lisa Hill moc.liamtoh|dmllihasil#moc.liamtoh|dmllihasil

Team Stroke 7 6 5 4 3 2 Bow Spares Spares
5:45 Session
Medrad-1 (7/28/2008) Lisa Tina Jennifer Bheki Julie John Mike Sharon Sara w/alcoa Captain: moc.dardem|azdnarj#moc.dardem|azdnarj
Medrad-2 (7/28/2008) At Millvale Training Rich Kim Diane Michelle Ivars Wei Wei Dan Alan Sue Captain: moc.dardem|azdnarj#moc.dardem|azdnarj
Alcoa Dan Rachelle Kirk Elise Justin Paul Barb Diane No Spares Captain:moc.aocla|sikatamats.luap#moc.aocla|sikatamats.luap
WestPAConser Person1 OPEN Person3 Person4 Person5 Person6 Person7 Person8 Person9 Person10
Clinical Crew Novice (6/16/2008) Leah Jen Pat Brian Kate Kristen Debbie Scott N/A No Spares : (
7:30 Session
MeetinPgh-Chelsea (2008-07-07) Jesse Tim Jon OPEN OPEN Maggie Kate Jenn Need 2 Spares — as of 09:35 - 2008-07-07
MeetinPgh-Jon (2008-07-07) Doug Joe Dana Deanna Beth Cyd OPEN Jane Need 1 Spare — as of 09:35 - 2008-07-07
Five Star Nicole Need Spare Kash Matt Sarah Need Spare Louise Belinda No Spares captain: moc.vedratsevif|idrailgagn#moc.vedratsevif|idrailgagn
RowHers Deb Chris Kathy Barb Nancy Lyn Brette Amy Deb, Lyn, Cathy captain: ten.nozirev|nameiht6c#ten.nozirev|nameiht6c
Katz Person1 Person2 Person3 Person4 Person5 Person6 Person7 Person8 Person9 Person10

Tuesday lineup

Team Stroke 7 6 5 4 3 2 Bow Spares Captain's Contact
5:45 Session
7:30 Session
AmericanEagle Jon OPEN OPEN Laura Michelle Jenn Tim Gary moc.EA|lredneb#moc.EA|lredneb
Viz Maya Carl Moe Beth Cristin Jodi Rob spare needed spare needed July 22nd moc.s4cdg|olliloigna.lrac#moc.s4cdg|olliloigna.lrac
GSK Jon OPEN Jon Laura Michelle Jenn Tim Gary
East End Jon OPEN Jon Laura Michelle Jenn Tim Gary ten.nozirev|00ysteb#ten.nozirev|00ysteb
Elderdice Jon OPEN Jon Laura Michelle Jenn Tim Gary ude.ttip|rracj#ude.ttip|rracj

Wednesday lineup

Team Stroke 7 6 5 4 3 2 Bow Spares Contact
5:45 Session
Highmark (08/13/2008) Lawson Dave Margaret Andy Deirdre Larry Courtney Marian ONE SPARE - contact captain captain moc.kramhgih|nagorb.refinnej#moc.kramhgih|nagorb.refinnej
7:30 Session
American Eagle Jon OPEN Jon Laura Michelle Jenn Tim Gary N/A captain moc.EA|kelyob#moc.EA|kelyob
Livestrong Jon OPEN Gary Laura Michelle Jenn Tim Gary N/A captain moc.ekin|mulloccm.elocin#moc.ekin|mulloccm.elocin
Pitt Dental Jon OPEN Gary Laura Michelle Jenn Tim Gary N/A captain moc.liamg|namdeirfaram#moc.liamg|namdeirfaram

Thursday lineup

Team Stroke 7 6 5 4 3 2 Bow Spares Spares
5:45 Session
Alcoa Jason Electa Marlene Jim Sean Frank Jen Lori no spares e-mail moc.aocla|ssenniugcm.naes#moc.aocla|ssenniugcm.naes
Fedex Emily Kathy Linda OPEN Rob Karen B Crystal karen C Need 1 rower captain moc.xedef|samoht.adnil#moc.xedef|samoht.adnil
Skeleton Crew Tammy chris Mary Laura Michael open Austin Lisa Need 1 as of 8 am 7/1 captain moc.sitneva-ifonas|ollez.ymmat#moc.sitneva-ifonas|ollez.ymmat
UPMC Mercy Jon OPEN OPEN Laura Michelle Jenn Tim Gary N/A Needs one rower, email captain ude.cmpu|jremiehnedo#ude.cmpu|jremiehnedo
Clinical Crew Laura Rhonda Linda Mac Michelle Kathy Marian Andrea N/A captain ude.cmpu|agrenkceolg#ude.cmpu|agrenkceolg
OTA Sean Ann Steve Magda Tim Pam Linda Susan Joe?(possible spare) captain ten.demrofni|lekram#ten.demrofni|lekram
7:30 Session
Wiseguys (Cox Valerie) Gwen Mark Nils Don Linda Doug Dy Jennifer Dorolyn Roseanne
Pine Richland Skip Beth Steve John Deb Sara Joyce Penny N/A captain gro.cyrp|htrewgninnefpa#gro.cyrp|htrewgninnefpa
AGH Mark Julie sarah jen Mike Rachel janice dave
River Rats Brian Gary Jessica Steve Open tara Steve Adam open captain moc.cnikamh|nehocah#moc.cnikamh|nehocah
Oakmont Cap Jon open open Laura Michelle Jenn Tim Gary N/A captain pac.tnomkao|iksetok#pac.tnomkao|iksetok
8-Ball Lori Yao Michael Lynnette Jon SPARE Anna Luisa Dee Spare needed captain moc.loa|zrandebirol#moc.loa|zrandebirol

Schedule for Cooking and Cleanup

Week of August 25th Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
5:45 PM Medrad 1 WPC Clinical Crew
7:30 PM MIP ÉVÉNEMENT American Eagle Wiseguys
Week of September 1st Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
5:45 PM Alcoa Clinical Crew Alcoa
7:30 PM Livestrong East End AGH Oakmont Capital
Week of September 8th Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
5:45 PM Medrad 2 PittDental FedEx
7:30 PM MIP GSK Watergirls 8-Ball
Week of September 15th Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
5:45 PM Alcoa Highmark UPMC/Mercy
7:30 PM Katz Viz Maya RowHis Pine Richland

Cleanup Tasks include:

a) Put away all food and supplies
b) Wash all grill utensils
c) Turn off grill (both on the grill and shutoff valve by the wall).
d) Throw away all trash and take to outside dumpster
e) Place all empty beer bottles outside in the recycling dumpster
f) Wipe down all tables in the lounge
g) Lock refrigerator door
h) Vacuum lounge, if needed (located in cleaning closet to the left of front doors)

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